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Women of Blaxploitation: How the Black Action Film Heroine Changed American Popular Culture de Yvonne D. Sims
Descripción - Críticas 'Solid...compelling...easily accessible'--Film and History; 'long-overdue'--SirReadaLot.org. Reseña del editor With the Civil Rights movement of the sixties fresh in their perspective, movie producers of the early 1970s began to make films aimed toward the underserved African American audience. Over the next five years or so, a number of cheaply made, so-called blaxploitation movies featured African American actresses in roles which broke traditional molds. Typically long on flash and violence but lacking in character depth and development, this genre nonetheless did a great deal toward redefining the perception of African American actresses, breaking traditional African American female stereotypes and laying the groundwork for later feminine action heroines. This critical study examines the ways in which the blaxploitation heroines of the early 1970s reshaped the presentation of African American actresses on screen and, to a certain degree, the perception of African American females in general. It discusses the social, political and cultural context in which blaxploitation films emerged. The work focuses on four African American actresses - Pam Grier, Tamara Dobson, Teresa Graves and Jeanne Belle - providing critical and audience response to their films as well as insight into the perspectives of the actresses themselves. The eventual demise of the blaxploitation genre due to formulaic plots and lack of character development is also discussed. Finally, the work addresses the mainstreaming of the action heroine in general and a recent resurgence of interest in black action movies. Relevant film stills and a selected filmography including cast list and plot synopsis are also included. Biografía del autor Yvonne D. Sims is an assistant professor of English at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, South Carolina.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Women of Blaxploitation: How the Black Action Film Heroine Changed American Popular Culture
- Autor: Yvonne D. Sims
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Películas
- Tamaño del archivo: 9 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
LIBRO Women of Blaxploitation: How the Black Action Film Heroine Changed American Popular Culture de Yvonne D. Sims PDF ePub
Women of Blaxploitation eBook por Yvonne D. Sims ~ Lee "Women of Blaxploitation How the Black Action Film Heroine Changed American Popular Culture" por Yvonne D. Sims disponible en Rakuten Kobo. With the Civil Rights movement of the sixties fresh in their perspective, movie producers of the early 1970s began to ma.
Blaxploitation Films of the 1970s eBook por Novotny ~ Lee "Blaxploitation Films of the 1970s Blackness and Genre" por Novotny Lawrence disponible en Rakuten Kobo. During the early years of the motion picture industry, black performers were often depicted as shuckin’ and jivin’ caric.
Blaxploitation - Wikipedia ~ La Blaxploitation - fusione delle due parole inglesi black (nero) ed exploitation (sfruttamento) - è stato un genere di film che nacque negli Stati Uniti, nei primi anni settanta, quando molti film d'exploitation furono realizzati a basso costo avendo come pubblico di riferimento gli afroamericani.. I film avevano principalmente attori afroamericani, erano diretti da registi afroamericani ma .
Blaxploitation (IV) – Ellas dan los golpes: las heroínas ~ La autora de How the Black Action Film Heroine Changed American Popular Culture, Yvonne D. Sims, considera que el éxito de las heroínas del blaxploitation abrió un camino que sirvió de senda para que llegaran muchas más mujeres de acción hasta llegar a nuestros días, donde el proceso ya está naturalizado.
Pam Grier - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre ~ Sims, Yvonne D. (2006). "Here comes the queen". En Sims, Yvonne D. Women of blaxploitation: how the black action film heroine changed American popular culture. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers. pp. 71–92. ISBN 978-0-7864-2744-4. Ligazóns externas. Pam Grier Interview at Bright Lights Film Journal
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