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The Hollywood Economist 2.0 de Edward Jay Epstein

Descripción - Críticas Praise for The Hollywood Economist'The answer to [the] mysteries of modern-day film financing can be found in The Hollywood Economist, Edward Jay Epstein's latest foray into the seamy underbelly of Hollywood spreadsheets.'--The Wall Street Journal '[A] terrific job.... There's fun to be had in knowing specifics, and Epstein? offers plenty.'--Entertainment Weekly Praise for Edward Jay Epstein's The Big Picture 'A rich adventure that will change the way you look at movies.' --BusinessWeek 'Edward Jay Epstein is here to tell us that when it comes to Hollywood these days, we've got it all wrong.' --The Washington Post Book World 'One of the virtues of The Big Picture is Mr. Epstein's astonishing access to numbers that movie studios go to great lengths to keep secret....A groundbreaking work that explains the inner workings of the game.' --The Wall Street Journal 'Hollywood has needed one of these for a long time--a user's manuel. This one could not be more complete....[Grade] A.' --Entertainment Weekly

'In his adroit charting of the confidence flow between the various entities and eras Mr. Epstein kicks up a lot of little surprises. . . Edward Jay Epstein is quite good.' --Larry McMurtry, The New York Review of Books '. . . [A] valuable education for those seeking to enter and under- stand the entertainment industry. . . . Factually impressive.' --Joel Hirschhorn, Variety Reseña del editor A fully revised edition of the popular guide to Hollywood finances, updated to reflect even newer films and trendsIn a Freakonomics-meets-Hollywood saga, veteran investigative reporter Edward Jay Epstein goes undercover to explore Hollywood’s “invisible money machine,” probing the dazzlingly complicated finances behind the hits and flops, while he answers a surprisingly difficult question: How do the studiosmake their money?We also learn:+ How and why the studios harvest silver from old film prints ...+ Why stars do—or don’t do—their own stunts ...+ The future of Netflix: Why the “next big thing” now seems in such deep trouble...+ What it costs to insure Nicole Kidman’s right knee…+ How Hollywood manipulates Wall Street: including the story of the acquisition of MGM… wherein a consortium of banks and hedge funds lost some $5 billion… while Hollywood made millions.+ Why Arnold Schwarzenegger is considered a contract genius…+ The fate of serious fare: How HBO, AMC, and Showtime have found ways to make money offer adult drama, while the Hollywood studios prefer to cater to teen audiences.+ Why Lara Croft: Tomb Raider is considered a “masterpiece” of financing ... Biografía del autor Edward Jay Epstein, who wrote the 'Hollywood Economist' column for Slate, is the author of The Big Picture: Money and Power in Hollywood, as well as many other books. He has written for the Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair, The New York Times Magazine, and The New Yorker, and he lives in New York City. His website is

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Hollywood Economist 2.0
  • Autor: Edward Jay Epstein
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Películas
  • Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 637 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar PDF The Hollywood Economist 2.0 de Edward Jay Epstein PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

The Hollywood Economist 2.0 » Melville House Books ~ ”Thanks to Edward Jay Epstein’s brilliant Hollywood Economist 2.0: The Hidden Financial Reality Behind the Movies, we are now in a much better position to understand why—to paraphrase the first sentence above—Hollywood does not fulfill the wants of its audience.” —CounterPunch. PRAISE FOR EDWARD JAY EPSTEIN’S THE BIG PICTURE

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