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The Film Encyclopedia: The Complete Guide to Film and the Film Industry de Ephraim Katz
Descripción - Críticas 'Wow! What a book!' -- Katharine Hepburn 'Recommended for any reference collection in need of a world view of film.' -- Booklist 'The best movie reference book, hands down.' -- Newsweek Reseña del editor Regarded as the undisputed Bible of the movie industry, Ephraim Katz's 'The Film Encyclopedia' is the most comprehensive one-volume encyclopedia on film available. This all new seventh edition includes up-to-date additions, and features more than 8,000 A-Z entries on the artistic, technical, and commercial aspects of moviemaking, including: directors, producers, stars, screenwriters, and cinematographers, styles, genres, and schools of filmmaking, motion picture studios and film centers; film-related organizations and events; industry jargon and technical terms; inventions, inventors, and equipment; and, an index of Academy Award winning films and artists, top grossing films, and much, much more. The editors have updated every single page, giving more thorough coverage to independent films, and adding new entries for all the latest stars and trends, from Sofia Coppola (director, 'Lost in Translation' and 'The Virgin Suicides') to Johnny Depp (Oscar nomination for 'Pirates of the Caribbean') to 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy ('Return of the King' won a record-tying eleven Oscars). With the abundance of movies available through standard and electronic channels, this is the essential sourcebook every film buff, student, aspiring artist, and armchair movie lover needs. Contraportada Ephraim Katz's The Film Encyclopedia is the most comprehensive single-volume encyclopedia on film and is considered the undisputed bible of the film industry. Completely revised and updated, this seventh edition features more than 7,500 A–Z entries on the artistic, technical, and commercial aspects of moviemaking, including:Directors, producers, actors, screenwriters, and cinematographers;Styles, genres, and schools of filmmaking;Motion picture studios and film centers;Film-related organizations and events;Industry jargon and technical terms;Inventions, inventors, and equipment;Plus comprehensive listings of academy award–winning filmsAnd artists, top-grossing films, and much more! Biografía del autor Ephraim Katz was a writer, journalist, and filmmaker who devoted his life to gathering the information in The Film Encyclopedia. He was working on the second edition at the time of his death in 1992. Ronald Dean Nolen is the former editor of the trade publication Centerstage. Also an accomplished actor, he has appeared in leading roles on Broadway and Off-Broadway as well as in television and film. His most recent project as a producer is the documentary film None Less Than Heroes: The Honor Flight Story. He holds an MFA from the Yale School of Drama and a BA from Hardin-Simmons University, where he serves on the faculty.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: The Film Encyclopedia: The Complete Guide to Film and the Film Industry
- Autor: Ephraim Katz
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Películas
- Tamaño del archivo: 7 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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